Did you know that your tires are varying in size?

It’s true! Your tires are incredibly important to the safety of your vehicle, and that’s why it’s so important to take care of them. But did you know that there is a difference in how much each tire varies from another?


There are two main types of tire sizes: metric and standard. When you go to buy a new set of tires, they will either be metric or standard. If you have a metric-sized tire on your vehicle, it means that it was made to fit on a vehicle built in Europe or Asia. If you have a standard-sized tire on your vehicle, it means that it was made to fit on a vehicle made in North America or Australia.

And while it may seem like these two different kinds of tires would be interchangeable—after all, what difference does it make if your car has tires that were made for cars built in one part of the world versus another?—the truth is that they’re not interchangeable at all!

If you try to put one type of tire on your vehicle when its original equipment manufacturer recommended another type (or even worse, if you try to use two different types), then you could end up with serious problems!

Contact us today to get New or Part-Worn tires.